concealment holsters, concealed carry holsters
Welcome to Jeffrey Custom Leather and thank you for visiting our web site.
Like many of you, I struggled with the problems and challenges of “concealed carry” for many years and like many of you, I too
have a “box of unsuitable holsters” that I've purchased and tried, only to be disappointed with each. Often times, what looks
good on paper, ( or in the catalogs ), turns out to be sorely uncomfortable and or fails to provide the necessary concealment.
Having worked with leather off and on for forty plus years, I felt that I could come up with something better.
The end result of that idea is the IWB holsters that you will see pictured in this web site. No other holster I've seen can match it
for comfort and conceal ability and still provide quick, one-handed access in an emergency.
Since then, I've added several new designs and reproduced some of the old faithful designs that have been around for years.  
I use the finest Hermann Oak leather to construct my holsters because "made in America" still means something to me.
There is no need to carry a “mouse gun” to comply with concealment laws and no need to be uncomfortable.
"Quality" leather holster makes all the difference.
I hope you enjoy looking through the photos we have here and look forward to being able to serve your leather needs. If you
have questions regarding any of the products shown, please feel free to contact us at .

God bless you all and God bless our great country.
D. Jeffrey
Jeffrey Custom Leather
                  3505 Riverside Rd.
                  Yale, OK.    74085

E-Mail    or   ph. (918) 306-2406
best holster maker, second amendment, right to carry
Holsters for Sportsmen, Concealed Carry Holders and Law Enforcement
***Notice*** Lead time varies from 3 to 6 weeks  ***Notice***
IWB  Inside Waistband
OWB  Outside waistband
Belts & Accessories
Custom Concealed carry holsters Holsters
Revolver holsters, leather holsters
custom concealed carry, tooled leather holster
OWB and IWB holsters for concealed carry
Concealment Holsters, concealed carry holsters
Concealment Holsters
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western style holster, hand tooled leather holster
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