The Very Best Holsters for Sportsman, Concealed Carry Holders and Law Enforcement

Welcome to JEFFREY CUSTOM LEATHER and thank you for visiting our website.
All of the holsters I build are constructed of the finest Herman Oak veg tanned leather. There is no finer holster leather in the world.
While I have built hundreds of designs over the years, the models shown here have proven to be the best holster designs for comfort, concealment, pistol presentation and retention. Your weapon is a life saving piece of equipment. Your holster is no place to skimp on quality or reliablility.
I cannot count the times I’ve had customers tell me they wished they’d bought quality gunleather the first time instead of waisting so much money on gimmicks and cheap plastic holsters. Quality gunleather is cheaper in the long run and will often last a lifetime.
If questions arise while reviewing the selections here, feel free to contact me at [email protected]

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