Holsters are available for the following models: If you don’t see the model you’re looking for, contact us at jeffreyleather.com as we are constantly adding new models.
Browning ……..Challenger II rimfire
Browning………High Power….9mm
Browning Black Label……..380 acp
Beretta NANO
Berretta PX4 Storm sub compact….9mm
Berretta 92 …..( no rail )…9mm
Colt and all other brands
…………………1911 five inch & five inch with rail
…………………1911 four and 4.25 inch
…………………1911 three and 3.5 inch
Colt 1903 hammerless 32
Colt Mustang…………..38
Colt Woodsman……….22 Rimfire
CZ 75 and CZ 75 compact……9mm
CZ 75 SP-01…………………………….9mm
CZ 75 Shadow II
FN 5.7 Mk II
FNX-45 Tactical
Glock……………….17 / 22 / 31
Glock……………….19 / 23 / 33
Glock………………..26 / 27 / 33
Glock………………..43 and 43X
HK P30……………..9mm
HK 45 and 45 comp….45acp
HK VP9……………..9mm
HK USP……………..9mm / 40
Kimber R7 Mako
Kimber Solo…………9mm
Kimber Micro 9……9mm
Kimber 1911’s all barrel lengths
Ruger 1911’s all barrel lengths
Ruger American…………..9mm
Ruger SR 9 & SR 9c…….9mm
Ruger SR 40 & 40 c…….40 caal.
Ruger LC9……………………..9mm
Ruger LCP………………………380 acp
Sig 1911’s all barrel lengths & both slide styles
Sig P220 with rail
Sig P226 and P226 with rail
Sig P229
Sig P238
Sig P239
Sig P250
Sig P320 and P320 sub compact
Sig P365 and P365XL and P365 with laser
Sig P938
Smith & Wesson 1911’s all barrrel lengths
S&W M&P Sheild 9mm / 40 cal.
S&W M&P 9/40/45
S&W Bodyguard 380
S&W EZ 380
Springfield 1911’s all barrel lengths
Springfield EMP 9mm / 40
Springfield Hellcat 9mm
Springfield XDS………45acp
Springfield XD ……….9mm / 40 / 45
Springfield XDM…….9mm / 40
Springfield XDE………9mm
Walther PPK/S…………380
Walther PK 380
Walther PPQ……………..9mm
Walther PDP
Wilson 1911’s all barrel lengths
Wilson EDC X9

Charter Arms…………..38
Colt SAA and clones
Colt Detective Special…..38
Colt Cobra………………………38
Colt King Cobra……………..357
Colt Python
Kimber K6S
Ruger Blackhawk and Super Blackhawk
Ruger GP 100
Ruger SP 101
Ruger LCR
Smith & Wesson …. J frames
Smith & Wesson …..K Frames
Smith & Wesson …..L Frames
Smith & Wesson …..N Frames
Smith & Wesson……X Frames
Taurus mod. 85 and 605