Pistol Belts:
The best holster in the world will not perform properly if it’s hung on a flimsy belt. A good belt will distribute the pistol’s weight around the waist and provide a proper foundation to make your gun feel lighter and ride close to the body.
These belts are 1.5 inch, double thickness, laminated and stitched. Simply the best belt you can buy.
Proper Belt Measurement Using a belt you wear now, measure to the hole you are using and include the buckle.
I will build your new belt to that measurement at the center hole.

Model: B-1 $80.00
Model: B-1 DS $85 Double stitch lines
Model: B-1 BW Basket weave tooling $90.00 Includes Premium color selections
Model: B-2 Double border $90.00 Includes Premium color selection
Model: B-1 Cobra $145.00 Includes Upgrade Buckle set Includes Premium Color selection

Upgrade Buckle Sets $10.00
Available in Chrome, Brass or Gunmetal
These are the best buckles I’ve found. They are strong, easy to fasten, yet protect the leather by not requiring the belt to be bent back during buckling.